Week of the Blah

on Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The last week has been sort of . . . blah.  Joshua and I have been working bit by bit, trying to get the apartment together for the housewarming we are having for our families this weekend, but it seems that no matter how much we get done, there is still a mountain of tasks to be tackled.  It also didn't help that the Spring semester started today, and Joshua is still receiving little to no information about when his masters classes are going to be starting up again.  There are tons of little things piling up and leading to a very tired, very overwhelmed little pair of newlyweds (I feel like I can still call us that, it's only been 8 months).  However, I have decided that it is what it is.  Everything will get done in due course, and things will work out one way or the other.  My, rather unspoken, goal for this semester is to not let it get to me.  I say that every semester, but I feel like since this is my last one, I have a pretty good excuse not to let things get to me, since in about 4 months I will be DONE and I won't have to think about school again for a little while.  I'm very much looking forward to it.

Anyway, I digress.  The moral of the story is, that even though some things have been getting me (and the Mister) down lately, there are still some things to be very pleased with.  Although the apartment still requires a lot of work, the stuff that we have done is looking rather fabulous.  So far, I have maintained my week-by-week goals for the new year, and even finished a book that I have been trying to tackle since or honeymoon.  And I have two adorable little kitties that love me, despite the fact that I bathed both of them this evening and they were rather displeased.  

Sorry for the rambling.  More fun stuff soon, I promise :)  Love you guys!  Hope this helps you realize the little things :D

xoxo Alyssa

photo courtesy of weheartit


Trinity said...

Don't forget that besides those little kittens you have a new sister-in-law who thinks you are the bee's knees! You can do it... my week has been that of the blah variety as well. Our apartment is AWFUL. I will text you some pictures of all our boxes and piles of things to make you feel better about your apartment. ;)

Seriously though, you keep your head up and remind me to do the same from time to time! Love you!

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