on Friday, July 29, 2011
Now that Joshua and I have finished our undergrad degrees, we have moved into a lovely little house and are making grown up plans for our future (post graduate school, which we are both working on right now).  With big-kid lives come big-kid responsibilities (Spiderman, anyone?).  Therefore, when the number of our bills increased, I began looking for a way to track them and maintain a budget. I started looking into pre-fab organizers at the store and came upon this one at Target, made by Mead.

I really liked the way that this was organized with a folder for receipts, a page to fill in your household budget, and a sheet for listing and tracking expenses.  It was all very logical to me and seemed simple enough to accommodate the structure of how our new little family works.  However, this particular organizer is $14.99.  A little rich for my blood.  I kept going back and looking at it thinking I could make the price drop with my Jedi mind powers.  No such luck.  BUT I noticed today while I was drooling over it that on the packaging there was a website where you could download replacement pages (the organizer comes stocked for 12 months upon purchase).  

I went to the website when I got home and found out that not only where the exact pages from the planner available online (I figured they were probably a simplified downloadable version), but they were free!  You didn't even have to have proof of purchase of the organizer to access them.  Here is the website where they can be found.  

So, instead of shucking out $15 for the pretty (yet expensive) Mead book, I downloaded the pages for free (which are in PDF format, so I can edit them in illustrator if I want to customize them.  There's the benefit of a four year degree in Graphic Design.  w00t).  I bought a $4 8-pocket-folder from Target ($3 with a Target Web Coupon for $1 off an Up and Up product of $3 or more) that has pockets and label tabs to hold my newly downloaded sheets along with bills as they come in the mail.  This way, everything is in one place and is organized and clearly labeled when it comes time for me to pay bills.  I'm super excited to use my new system (it's nerdy, I know, but school supplies make my heart flutter).  

This is the result:

Sorry for the crappy lighting.  I'm really bad about being patient enough to wait for natural light, so a lot of times my blog photos look like myspace pictures (imagine the typical camera-in-view standing in front of a mirror kissy-face pose)
I reformatted the downloadable pages to only include the categories that I thought Joshua and I would use, so I was able to get the budget to fit onto one page instead of two.  Then, for each category I printed out an edited version of the expense tracker page so that we could keep track of how much was spent in each respective category and make sure that we didn't go over the budgeted amount.  The folder that I bought has four pocket pages, each with a tab and a folder pocket on either side of the plastic sheet.  I slid the budget sheet and the expense sheets (paper clipped together) into the front side of the pocket, and on the back I placed an envelope to gather receipts from the recorded purchases (I have a thing for labeling inanimate objects with "Hello, my name is" name tags.  I think feel like it gives them a personality, and it makes me giggle), and a binder clip to hold bills that will need to be paid throughout the month.  Because the folder has four pockets I will be able to view and record four months at a time, and when it gets filled up, I'll just remove and file away the sheets, as well as any receipts that we might need when we file our taxes for the year, and then print out new sheets for the next month.  

I am really excited about this new system, and I think it's going to work really well for Joshua and me.  The hope is that by tracking our spending more closely, we will be able to pay off debts more quickly and *crosses fingers* start squirreling some money away for our future plans. *sigh* A girl can dream, right?

What is your favorite way to organize bills/budgets?  Are you the person who handles the finances in your family, or do you and your partner share the responsibility?  I'm always fascinated to hear how other people handle money and the balance that they are able to achieve in their lives :)

xoxo Alyssa

*coming soon* HOUSE TOUR! (at least a partial one)

on Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Those of you who know me, know that I currently have three tattoos.  I have plans for three more . . . eventually. haha.  These things are pricey, especially when your Mister has plans for at least one, probably two, more, as well.  I have determined what my next one is going to be, and have been trying to decide on the placement.

This is kind of a crappy picture, and it's an even crappier sketch, but I think I have decided that this will be the location for my next tattoo, which is based on the image seen in this previous post.  Happy as a bird with a french fry.  That's what I want to be :)  I think I'm even going to get color with this one.  I'm pretty pumped :)

What about you?  Any plans for tattoos?  Any dreams that you wish you could get but are still out of reach?  Any stories of tattoos that you already have, and would be willing to share?  I love hearing tattoo stories :)

xoxo Alyssa
Well, the Mister and I have successfully moved to Kansas City and are comfortably settled in our new home :)  It has been awful silent around here lately but I intend to change that.  I have a lot going on right now:  just started a new job, have my VERY OWN studio, start seminary in the fall, living near my most favorite people ever (those are FOUR different links.  And you should go to all of them).  Life is good, and I want to share that with you :)

-House Tour
-New Business Venture
-Kittie Update
-Anniversary Dinner (only two months late)
-UPDATED Yearly Goals
-Reading list/Currently Reading
-Recent Movie/Television addictions
-Favorite Blogs/Posts!
-And more . . .

Are you excited yet? Because you should be.  This is going to rock . . .  hard.

If you're reading this, thanks for hanging with me through the silence :)  More coming soon . . .

xoxo Alyssa