Yeah . . . I did it.
1. Get Etsy shop running- I have the space set aside on the site and have designed the banner, however, I have very little motivation to list anything. It takes so long and I was so discouraged with the lack of interest the last time I had a shop and that isn't helping me to try again. I really want to get it up and running, though, and give it another go. Hopefully this one will be met by the end of January.
2. Read 1 hour a week- I love reading and have several new books that I have accumulated over the last year or two, but hardly ever set aside time to actually read. I want to do this more.
3. Blog 4 times a week- I think I can . . . I think I can . . .
4. Keep checkbook balanced- I usually balance our checkbook about once a week, and catch up to everything we've bought/deposited at once. Usually this works, but every once in a while it leads to some unpleasant surprises. The goal is to minimize/eliminate those surprises by being more diligent about balancing my checkbook more often.
5. Be proactive with plans for Anavah House- My husband and I are in the beginning stages of a very exciting project, and he has done most of the leg work. You can read more about the project and our ideas here. I want him to feel like I am more of a part of the brainstorming and not feel like he has to do it all on his own.
6. Create product line for BBRC- BBRC is the coffee shop that is located on the first floor of the house that Joshua and I just moved into (we moved to the third floor apartment). The building and business are a big part of our future plans, and the goal for the last few months has been to establish a line of handmade goodies that use the burlap coffee bags as the main material. I have experimented a little but not gotten very far. Therefore, the goal is to have a line of at least 5 different products with at least 3 variations/styles each by the summer time.
7. Get REAL business cards- I have been printing my own business cards on cardstock for a while now, and those work, but I feel like for as little as it would cost, it would probably do a lot of good for Adorkable's image if I had some professionally printed business cards. I got some mini-cards to use as tags for my merchandise from and I LOVE them, so I will probably just order them from there. Now I just have to save my pennies . . .
Thanks for bearing with me through the gushing of my very self-centered blog post. I hope you have some goals for this year, too, and would love to hear about them! Maybe we could help each other achieve them in some way :)
xoxo Alyssa
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