They grow up so fast

on Monday, March 7, 2011

She's getting so big!  And Yare is even bigger than her . . . They're going to get fixed soon thanks to the SNAP Program (Spay and Neuter Assist Program) through the Human Society.  It helps people with low income affordably take care of their pets.  $25 to get a cat spayed or neutered and $35 for dogs.  If you have a pet and are having trouble affording this care, I highly recommend it.  You fill out an application and once you are accepted, you have 60 days to pay the fee.  Then the Human Society gives you a voucher to take to any participating vet to have the procedure done.  The only requirement is that they have their shots.  We just got our acceptance letter in the mail today and I am so excited!  We're finally going to be able to take care of our little kitties now that we've gotten this help, and they are finally old enough to have the surgery.

They may be getting big, but they still like to take naps with their mamma :)
This is her "I'm sleepy, why are you taking my picture" face.  :P

xoxo Alyssa

pea.ess.  Like the new typeface?  I think I'm going to stick with this one.  It's a little easier to read than Courier . . .


Jess Tank said...

I love that you love your kittehs.

Alyssa Bennett Smith said...

It's not hard when you have the best kittehs in da wurld.

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