on Monday, October 10, 2011
It's my 100th post!

Boy, I'm pretty bad at keeping up with this, but hey, it's whatevs.

I have a day off today, which is rare on a weekday (or at all), so I'm enoying it.  Doing a little cleaning (or a lot), and a little laundry (or a lot), and a little reading for my Hebrew Bible class (or A LOT more than a lot).  In order to further enjoy my day, I stopped at Classy Chocolate and got some snacks :)

A chocolate covered strawberry as big as my face. 

Ok, maybe not that big, but still, PRETTY BIG.

I am now enjoying a small bit of downtime before I fold the next load of laundry, with a strawberry to drink, a sleeping kitty in my lap, and an episode of Fringe.

I'm hoping that today I will get the house into a state of cleanliness that would allow me to photograph it and put up some of those photos here :)  *We'll see* 

And now, for a dose of cute:  

on Thursday, August 11, 2011
When I came back from my loooooong moving hiatus, I said that I was going to try and blog more frequently.  Well, it seems that the discipline required for fulfilling such a promise is still slightly beyond my grasp, but I'm working on it.  Here was my list of upcoming posts:


-House Tour-
-New Business Venture-
-Kittie Update-
-Anniversary Dinner (only two months late)-
-UPDATED Yearly Goals-
-Reading list/Currently Reading-
-Recent Movie/Television addictions-
-Favorite Blogs/Posts!-
-And more . . .-

So far, I haven't done any of those (except one that would fall under the "And more . . . " catagory).  So, here's my best shot at a kittie update, for the sake of checking things off the list (and OH how I love to do that).

 We were watching The West Wing. 
 Clearly it was an enthralling episode.  Couldn't take their eyes off of it.

Until Yare ran off and Soso fell asleep.  It must be nice to be a cat.

So, here we go: Drum roll please . . . 

-House Tour-
-New Business Venture-
-Kittie Update-
-Anniversary Dinner (only two months late)-
-UPDATED Yearly Goals-
-Reading list/Currently Reading-
-Recent Movie/Television addictions-
-Favorite Blogs/Posts!-
-And more . . .-

BAM.  Look how productive I am.

Plans for this week: 
-Work A BUNCH.-
-Start the drawing for my new tattoo (or two) which will *hopefully* be paid for with birthday money?-(MYBIRTHDAYISNEXTTHURSDAY)
-Finish a baby blanket for a very special lady and her son who will be joining us very soon.-
-Think about adding tabs to the blog?  Not sure if I really need tabs, but we''ll see.-
-Finish pillow covers and other sewing projects for the living room so I can FINALLY do a house tour.-  
So pumped.
-Read A LOT *this grad school thing is sneaking up on me*-

Thanks for joining me :)

on Friday, July 29, 2011
Now that Joshua and I have finished our undergrad degrees, we have moved into a lovely little house and are making grown up plans for our future (post graduate school, which we are both working on right now).  With big-kid lives come big-kid responsibilities (Spiderman, anyone?).  Therefore, when the number of our bills increased, I began looking for a way to track them and maintain a budget. I started looking into pre-fab organizers at the store and came upon this one at Target, made by Mead.

I really liked the way that this was organized with a folder for receipts, a page to fill in your household budget, and a sheet for listing and tracking expenses.  It was all very logical to me and seemed simple enough to accommodate the structure of how our new little family works.  However, this particular organizer is $14.99.  A little rich for my blood.  I kept going back and looking at it thinking I could make the price drop with my Jedi mind powers.  No such luck.  BUT I noticed today while I was drooling over it that on the packaging there was a website where you could download replacement pages (the organizer comes stocked for 12 months upon purchase).  

I went to the website when I got home and found out that not only where the exact pages from the planner available online (I figured they were probably a simplified downloadable version), but they were free!  You didn't even have to have proof of purchase of the organizer to access them.  Here is the website where they can be found.  

So, instead of shucking out $15 for the pretty (yet expensive) Mead book, I downloaded the pages for free (which are in PDF format, so I can edit them in illustrator if I want to customize them.  There's the benefit of a four year degree in Graphic Design.  w00t).  I bought a $4 8-pocket-folder from Target ($3 with a Target Web Coupon for $1 off an Up and Up product of $3 or more) that has pockets and label tabs to hold my newly downloaded sheets along with bills as they come in the mail.  This way, everything is in one place and is organized and clearly labeled when it comes time for me to pay bills.  I'm super excited to use my new system (it's nerdy, I know, but school supplies make my heart flutter).  

This is the result:

Sorry for the crappy lighting.  I'm really bad about being patient enough to wait for natural light, so a lot of times my blog photos look like myspace pictures (imagine the typical camera-in-view standing in front of a mirror kissy-face pose)
I reformatted the downloadable pages to only include the categories that I thought Joshua and I would use, so I was able to get the budget to fit onto one page instead of two.  Then, for each category I printed out an edited version of the expense tracker page so that we could keep track of how much was spent in each respective category and make sure that we didn't go over the budgeted amount.  The folder that I bought has four pocket pages, each with a tab and a folder pocket on either side of the plastic sheet.  I slid the budget sheet and the expense sheets (paper clipped together) into the front side of the pocket, and on the back I placed an envelope to gather receipts from the recorded purchases (I have a thing for labeling inanimate objects with "Hello, my name is" name tags.  I think feel like it gives them a personality, and it makes me giggle), and a binder clip to hold bills that will need to be paid throughout the month.  Because the folder has four pockets I will be able to view and record four months at a time, and when it gets filled up, I'll just remove and file away the sheets, as well as any receipts that we might need when we file our taxes for the year, and then print out new sheets for the next month.  

I am really excited about this new system, and I think it's going to work really well for Joshua and me.  The hope is that by tracking our spending more closely, we will be able to pay off debts more quickly and *crosses fingers* start squirreling some money away for our future plans. *sigh* A girl can dream, right?

What is your favorite way to organize bills/budgets?  Are you the person who handles the finances in your family, or do you and your partner share the responsibility?  I'm always fascinated to hear how other people handle money and the balance that they are able to achieve in their lives :)

xoxo Alyssa

*coming soon* HOUSE TOUR! (at least a partial one)

on Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Those of you who know me, know that I currently have three tattoos.  I have plans for three more . . . eventually. haha.  These things are pricey, especially when your Mister has plans for at least one, probably two, more, as well.  I have determined what my next one is going to be, and have been trying to decide on the placement.

This is kind of a crappy picture, and it's an even crappier sketch, but I think I have decided that this will be the location for my next tattoo, which is based on the image seen in this previous post.  Happy as a bird with a french fry.  That's what I want to be :)  I think I'm even going to get color with this one.  I'm pretty pumped :)

What about you?  Any plans for tattoos?  Any dreams that you wish you could get but are still out of reach?  Any stories of tattoos that you already have, and would be willing to share?  I love hearing tattoo stories :)

xoxo Alyssa
Well, the Mister and I have successfully moved to Kansas City and are comfortably settled in our new home :)  It has been awful silent around here lately but I intend to change that.  I have a lot going on right now:  just started a new job, have my VERY OWN studio, start seminary in the fall, living near my most favorite people ever (those are FOUR different links.  And you should go to all of them).  Life is good, and I want to share that with you :)

-House Tour
-New Business Venture
-Kittie Update
-Anniversary Dinner (only two months late)
-UPDATED Yearly Goals
-Reading list/Currently Reading
-Recent Movie/Television addictions
-Favorite Blogs/Posts!
-And more . . .

Are you excited yet? Because you should be.  This is going to rock . . .  hard.

If you're reading this, thanks for hanging with me through the silence :)  More coming soon . . .

xoxo Alyssa
on Friday, May 27, 2011
So, I know I've been absent for . . . a while.  Apologies.  My excuse, you ask?  I graduated college and moved 400 miles across Missouri.  I say that's a pretty good excuse.  

Although, I have exciting news!  Blog makeover!  There are all sorts of changes in my life and I want this blog to reflect those, so coming soon there will be a brand new look and direction for Adorkable, and even (probably) a new name.  *SHOCK*  I know.  It's huge.  

Anywho, I hope you all are as excited as I am about the coming changes.  I think it's going to be good for all involved.  That means you.  Yes.  You.

on Wednesday, March 30, 2011
click image for source

I am seriously failing at the "4 blogs a week" goal.  However, there are some new developments in my life that I would like to share.  Things are a'changin' and I'm doing very well, which is probably why I haven't been blogging—I'm busy with other things!

 Joshua and my future plans have taken a turn.  I don't have tons of details to share right now, but when I do I promise I will have an ENTIRE post dedicated to what our lives are turning into.  Some of these developments are a little disappointing, while other are very exciting.  Overall, things are good and I am thankful.

My BFA project (which I don't know that I ever mentioned here, but has been ALL over facebook and flickr) has gone very well!  It's been so much work and a lot of sweat and tears, but I am very excited to see the final product in a couple of weeks and be able to tally up how much money we have raised for Birthright!

Joshua and I both go into the Juried Student Exhibition at SEMO!  I have been entering for the last FOUR YEARS and never gotten a single piece accepted and this year I had THREE get in (a ceramics piece, and TWO websites).  Obviously, I am thrilled and I cannot wait to go to the opening and awards ceremony on Friday.  Pictures afterward, I promise.

I started reading a Chuck Palahniuk book, specifically "Diary", and I think I have found a new author love.  He is fantastic, even if bizarre at times.

Well, I'm sure there is more, but that is all for right now.  I have decided that, while I probably will NEVER blog 4 times a week (even after graduation) I think I am OK with that.  This blog is for me, and not anyone else in particular, so it is silly of me to try and model myself after people who do this full-time.  I have about 3 or 4 other things that I do full-time, and until at least one of those goes away, one or two posts a month or however often I remember will just have to do. :)  I'm sure you all won't mind.
on Monday, March 7, 2011

She's getting so big!  And Yare is even bigger than her . . . They're going to get fixed soon thanks to the SNAP Program (Spay and Neuter Assist Program) through the Human Society.  It helps people with low income affordably take care of their pets.  $25 to get a cat spayed or neutered and $35 for dogs.  If you have a pet and are having trouble affording this care, I highly recommend it.  You fill out an application and once you are accepted, you have 60 days to pay the fee.  Then the Human Society gives you a voucher to take to any participating vet to have the procedure done.  The only requirement is that they have their shots.  We just got our acceptance letter in the mail today and I am so excited!  We're finally going to be able to take care of our little kitties now that we've gotten this help, and they are finally old enough to have the surgery.

They may be getting big, but they still like to take naps with their mamma :)
This is her "I'm sleepy, why are you taking my picture" face.  :P

xoxo Alyssa

pea.ess.  Like the new typeface?  I think I'm going to stick with this one.  It's a little easier to read than Courier . . .
on Tuesday, March 1, 2011

So, as most of you can tell, I am minorly failing at some of my goals that I posted a couple of months ago.  For instance, I have not been blogging four times a week . . . but who's counting ;)  I really am going to try and do better, for those of you who enjoy reading this blog, but I just thought I would give an update on the goals that I set, whose results might not be quite as evident to those who read here.  

1) Get Etsy shop running:  This is going slower than expected.  HOWEVER!  I do have some merchandise for sale at a local consignment shop called Annie Laurie's.  I have a small table with some business cards there that have been in place for about three weeks now.  I haven't gone in to check on sales, but I have noticed an increase of "likes" on facebook, which I am assuming have come from the business cards on the table :)  I should find out in the next week how much (if anything) I have sold, and I am very excited :)  So, while this isn't an etsy shop, it is a step in the right direction!

2) Read 1 hour a week:  This is going OK.  I usually do read for about an hour a week, but lately it has been materials for classes.  The goal was to do more pleasure reading and take time for myself, but it just doesn't seem like there has been much of that lately.  I know this goal will become easier after I graduate, but for right now, it's definitely one of the most difficult.

3) Blog 4 times a week:  I know, I know . . . . fail.  I'll do better next time, I promise!

4) Keep checkbook balanced:  This one was been going pretty well.  We haven't had any of those unexpected surprises I mentioned in the first goals post, but I probably haven't been as on top of it as I should be.  Money is a little tight right now with Joshua commuting to KC nearly every weekend, but we have high hopes of things getting a little easier in the next month or so :)  I guess, until then, I'll really have to stay on top of this goal!

5) Be proactive with Anavah House:  I have had good intentions with this goal, but haven't actually *done* much, which I suppose is the actual definition of "proactive".  *le sigh*  I'll have to get something together in the next couple of weeks while Joshua is out of town so he doesn't feel like we haven't made any progress while he's gone :)

6) Create product line for BBRC:  I have all sorts of ideas for the line and can't wait to start sketching :)  This goal is a little more long term, so I'm not so worried about not having anything actually *made* yet, hopefully that will come to pass sometime in the next couple of months or shortly after graduation :)

7) Get REAL business cards:  I did this one!  They should be coming in sometime in the next couple of weeks :)  I am SO excited!

Well, thanks for listening and caring!  Hopefully I"ll be able to do better with my goals in the next few weeks.  I think I"m going to add another one to the list . . . 

8) Create regular blog feature:  I have heard from other bloggers that it helps keep you on schedule with your blogging (and attract readers) if you have regular "features" on your blog.  Some you might know from other blogs are "Ten Things I Love Friday/Sunday" or "DIY Wednesday".  I think I might do a little better with my blogging if I have something like this in my line-up.  Now to brainstorm ideas . . . . :)

Thanks, again guys!  Love you all!

xoxo Alyssa

image courtesy of weheartit
on Saturday, February 26, 2011
I got a few Christmas presents last week from my in-laws and just wanted to share the awesomness with you :)  There were some etsy shipping issues so they were late, but sometimes it's nice to have presents on days that aren't holidays :D

I love my new key and leaf rings and the hat is probably my favorite thing ever :)

xoxo Alyssa
on Thursday, February 3, 2011
Normally I get really annoyed when bloggers use their blog to earn extra entries in giveaways on the blogs that they follow, but I want to take this class bad enough that I will do it!

There's a giveaway on Rachel Denbow's blog, Smile and Wave.  Check it out!

xoxo Alyssa
on Monday, January 31, 2011
Sometimes I wander etsy and look at all of the pretty things I know I will never own.  Sometimes I limit myself to only looking at things that I could feasibly afford, but yesterday I mentally splurged a little and looked at some snazzy camera cases and other bags.  Bask in their loveliness.  Click on images for shop pages, should you feel the urge to send me a special present.  Just sayin . . . I wouldn't object . . .

Camera Bags (in order of personal OH-MY-GOSH I WANT THIS preference)

I feel like this would make me look like I was backpacking across Europe.  I wouldn't mind that.

SO PRETTY.  Such good craftsmanship, too.  Alas, even this shipping for this one is out of my price-range—it's from Hong Kong.

LOVE this fabric AND color.  The only downside is the lack of dividers on the inside, but that might almost be better for me, because I don't have multiple lenses to carry with me.

Purses, in the same order of preference

UHhhhhhhh . . . I love zippers.  And red.  

This bag is made by my good friend, Jade, and her boyfriend, Bob.  I bought a bag from them a few months back, and I am IN LOVE.  They have such good construction and craftsmanship that I would not mind owning this cute little clutch :)

I'm not one for labels, but this little Dooney and Burke clutch is really dainty and classy :)

Last but not least . . . 

SUITCASES.  My greatest addiction.  I have quite the collection, but all of them are weekender size, nothing of substantial size . . . which is why I've been drooling over these two.

American Tourister makes SUCH good luggage.  I am a huge fan . . . 

This one looks like the perfect companion to my little red, hard shell carry-on . . . 

Be back a little later this week.  Joshua is going to start going out of town again this weekend, so I'll have a little more free time :)  Talk to you later!

xoxo Alyssa

on Saturday, January 22, 2011
Well, my plans for this weekend were supposed to include finishing up work on the apartment and hosting a housewarming party where both sides of our families would come visit, see the new place, and get a better feel for the work we will be doing at the coffee shop.  However, due to lots of snow and my dad's sudden case of the sickies, it appears that neither of our families will be able to make it to the party tomorrow (hopefully to be rescheduled) and because of our lazy attitudes and general blah-ness, the apartment is no where near finished.  We haven't even finished moving our stuff over from the old building or unloaded the stuff that has been in our cars for two weeks.

(Feel better Daddy!)

However! Tonight we had the pleasure of going to see The Mikado performed by music and theatre students from SEMO and it was FANTASTIC.  I knew it was supposed to be funny, but what do you expect when you hear that an opera is funny.  Exactly.  My hopes were not the highest for the humor side of the evening, but I figured at the very least the music would be great.  We had a good friend (Aaron of Concerning Humans) playing Nanki Poo, and he was wonderful!  The script was absolutely hilarious and Joshua and I have several new one liners that we will be quoting on a regular basis, such as , "Chop it off!  Chop it off!" and "She has a right elbow that people come from MILES around to see . . ".  It was so great.  I highly encourage the viewing of this opera if you should ever get the chance, it was absolutely hysterical.

And now, I leave you with suspicious kitties.  Enjoy!

 Yare was working on his cat-like reflexes.  He hasn't quite mastered stealthiness yet . . . Have a happy Sunday!

xoxo Alyssa

on Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The last week has been sort of . . . blah.  Joshua and I have been working bit by bit, trying to get the apartment together for the housewarming we are having for our families this weekend, but it seems that no matter how much we get done, there is still a mountain of tasks to be tackled.  It also didn't help that the Spring semester started today, and Joshua is still receiving little to no information about when his masters classes are going to be starting up again.  There are tons of little things piling up and leading to a very tired, very overwhelmed little pair of newlyweds (I feel like I can still call us that, it's only been 8 months).  However, I have decided that it is what it is.  Everything will get done in due course, and things will work out one way or the other.  My, rather unspoken, goal for this semester is to not let it get to me.  I say that every semester, but I feel like since this is my last one, I have a pretty good excuse not to let things get to me, since in about 4 months I will be DONE and I won't have to think about school again for a little while.  I'm very much looking forward to it.

Anyway, I digress.  The moral of the story is, that even though some things have been getting me (and the Mister) down lately, there are still some things to be very pleased with.  Although the apartment still requires a lot of work, the stuff that we have done is looking rather fabulous.  So far, I have maintained my week-by-week goals for the new year, and even finished a book that I have been trying to tackle since or honeymoon.  And I have two adorable little kitties that love me, despite the fact that I bathed both of them this evening and they were rather displeased.  

Sorry for the rambling.  More fun stuff soon, I promise :)  Love you guys!  Hope this helps you realize the little things :D

xoxo Alyssa

photo courtesy of weheartit
on Monday, January 17, 2011
My lovely bestie, Hannah Bagnall, has an equally lovely mother who commissioned me to make a baked goods carrier for the wonderful baker.  Mrs. Bagnall designed the carrier and it contains many, many baking accoutrements . . . and it's PINK!  Take a look:

I was NOT looking forward to making this at all, I thought it would be a beast of a project, and I put it off as long as I could, but still have it done by Christmas.  Once I started, though, it really wasn't bad at all!  It is a fairly simple construction, and it was really rewarding to see that I could go off of some pretty basic design instructions from Mrs. Bagnall, and be able to create and put together something that was the correct size, and functioned the way it was supposed to.  haha.  Confidence . . . growing . . . 

Have you ever had an experience like that?  Where you surprised yourself with your abilities?

xoxo Alyssa

on Sunday, January 16, 2011
Life has been so crazy over the last few months that I haven't had the chance to fill you all in on some very exciting stuff!  First on the list is my brother's wedding!

(Click on images to enlarge)
My brother and I

All of my siblings and the new in-laws!

Joshua and I played the music for their ceremony.  I know, we both look so thrilled to be there.  We had a blast.  I promise.

Ain't they cute?  They both graduated from Mizzou.  I think the picture with the tail is my favorite. haha.

Trinity is a photographer, so she had all sorts of funky pictures she wanted taken.  They all were super cute :)

Next up on the catch-up list:  The new apartment!  However, I'm waiting until we're done painting and shifting things around before I take pictures, so it will probably be a week or so before I have them ready to post.  But there are more fun things to come :)  

xoxo Alyssa

all photos courtesy of Amanda Eaton Photography.  She's awesome.  Check here out!
on Saturday, January 8, 2011
Yeah . . . I did it.

1. Get Etsy shop running-  I have the space set aside on the site and have designed the banner, however, I have very little motivation to list anything.  It takes so long and I was so discouraged with the lack of interest the last time I had a shop and that isn't helping me to try again.  I really want to get it up and running, though, and give it another go.  Hopefully this one will be met by the end of January.

2. Read 1 hour a week-  I love reading and have several new books that I have accumulated over the last year or two, but hardly ever set aside time to actually read.  I want to do this more.

3. Blog 4 times a week-  I think I can . . . I think I can . . . 

4. Keep checkbook balanced- I usually balance our checkbook about once a week, and catch up to everything we've bought/deposited at once.  Usually this works, but every once in a while it leads to some unpleasant surprises.  The goal is to minimize/eliminate those surprises by being more diligent about balancing my checkbook more often.

5. Be proactive with plans for Anavah House-  My husband and I are in the beginning stages of a very exciting project, and he has done most of the leg work.  You can read more about the project and our ideas here.  I want him to feel like I am more of a part of the brainstorming and not feel like he has to do it all on his own.

6. Create product line for BBRC-  BBRC is the coffee shop that is located on the first floor of the house that Joshua and I just moved into (we moved to the third floor apartment).  The building and business are a big part of our future plans, and the goal for the last few months has been to establish a line of handmade goodies that use the burlap coffee bags as the main material.  I have experimented a little but not gotten very far.  Therefore, the goal is to have a line of at least 5 different products with at least 3 variations/styles each by the summer time.

7. Get REAL business cards-  I have been printing my own business cards on cardstock for a while now, and those work, but I feel like for as little as it would cost, it would probably do a lot of good for Adorkable's image if I had some professionally printed business cards.  I got some mini-cards to use as tags for my merchandise from Moo.com and I LOVE them, so I will probably just order them from there.  Now I just have to save my pennies . . . 

Thanks for bearing with me through the gushing of my very self-centered blog post.  I hope you have some goals for this year, too, and would love to hear about them!  Maybe we could help each other achieve them in some way :)

xoxo Alyssa
on Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I don't know who came up with this, it may have been the friend whose page I commented on, or she may have gotten it from someone else, but either way—it's awesome.

PAY IT FORWARD:  I promise to send something handmade to the first 5 people who leave a comment here.  They must in turn post this and send something they make to the first 5 people who comment on their status.  The rules are that it . . . must be handmade by you and it must be sent to your 5 people sometime in 2011.

Try this on your facebook!  I have 3 people who have commented AND reposted the status, so that leaves room for two more!  GET ON IT!  I don't know what I will be sending my friends, but it will be awesome, that I can assure you.

xoxo Alyssa

*edit*  I now have all five of my handmade pen-pals!  Can't wait to get started!

Seriously considering taking this course.  Thoughts?  I always worry about whether I will get my money's worth out of those classes because they're geared for all sewing levels and I worry that it will either be too difficult or too simple. . . . but $32 might be worth this one.

xoxo Alyssa
on Monday, January 3, 2011

The Christmas season is coming to a close and I have finally made it back home and started to fall back into a normal routine.  I promise I will bring you up to speed with my crafty adventures of the last few months soon, now that all gifts have been given and I will not be ruining any surprises :)  Joshua and I also added another feline member to our family (the big brother of our existing kitty, who will be formally introduced later) and are developing all sorts of exciting plans for the future (more details can be found on Joshua's blog), which I also plan to share with you, but for now . . . I am sleepy.  I bid thee farewell until tomorrow after I get off of work.  

xoxo Alyssa