Happy 100th!

on Monday, October 10, 2011
It's my 100th post!

Boy, I'm pretty bad at keeping up with this, but hey, it's whatevs.

I have a day off today, which is rare on a weekday (or at all), so I'm enoying it.  Doing a little cleaning (or a lot), and a little laundry (or a lot), and a little reading for my Hebrew Bible class (or A LOT more than a lot).  In order to further enjoy my day, I stopped at Classy Chocolate and got some snacks :)

A chocolate covered strawberry as big as my face. 

Ok, maybe not that big, but still, PRETTY BIG.

I am now enjoying a small bit of downtime before I fold the next load of laundry, with a strawberry to drink, a sleeping kitty in my lap, and an episode of Fringe.

I'm hoping that today I will get the house into a state of cleanliness that would allow me to photograph it and put up some of those photos here :)  *We'll see* 

And now, for a dose of cute:  


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