I bought a carafe at Target the other day.
Isn't it cute? I feel like a real grown-up, now :)
I've also been slowly building up my embroidery hoop collection in preparation for something Jess and I are planning for next month :)
Aren't they pretty? I almost don't want to use them so they can stay hanging like that.
I've finished a few new embrioderies, too! (pictures coming soon)
Also for what Jess and I are planning ;)
Speaking of embroidery--here is that case make-over I mentioned in an earlier post :D
Here is another update on a project mentioned in an earlier post.
Remember the clock I got in Kansas City while visiting Jess?
Well, I finally got around to fixing it up! The clock mechanism was MUCH easier to fix than I thought. Turns out, once I got access to the hands by taking the back off of the clock, I just had to pop it back in place and it worked!
All it needed was a coat of paint :)
Last, but certainly not least, is this little t-shirt make-over. When this shirt came out of the drier, it had a bleach stain on the front. I didn't want to get rid of it, because it's so comfy and fits so well, so I put a little applique on it, instead!
Here you can see the bleach stain on the back of the finished shirt, with all of the stitches from the applique.
Detail of the applique.
Isn't it cute? I was very pleasantly surprised :D
So much in one post! Thanks for stickin' with me! More craftiness and a big announcement, coming soon!
Keep Smiling,
The tee shirt is uber-rad.
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