First stop was the sewing shop. It was adorable! Small, and therefore somewhat overpriced, but so cute. It's run by two or three older ladies who teach sewing and quilting classes. After staring at a pair of Gingher Scissors for about five minutes, I ripped myself away and snatched up some fat quarters of some pretty quilting cotton to use in my newest embroideries.
Soooo pretty :)
After that stop I headed to Teen Challenge, my favorite thrift store in Cape. I don't normally shop for clothes at thrift or resale shops, because I never know if they'll fit, but I almost always manage to find some other fun goodies at Teen Challenge.
First were these awesome Thermoses. I got them for .25 and .50 each! They're in perfect condition and completely usable. I haven't yet decided if I'll use them for craft storage, decoration, food transportation, or resell them, but I am very pleased with this find :)
Next were these mugs and this adorable hot plate :) The hot plate was just too cute to pass up--I'm thinking of hanging it in my future kitchen when I move in with Joshua :D The mugs were only .50 a piece and the "Your the Best" rainbow mug made my day. The sheet in the background of these pictures was also found at Teen Challenge. It is full sized, SUPER soft, and only cost .50! I plan on cutting it up to use as fabric for embroideries or as part of a future quilt.
Lastly were this Jungle Book glass and nalgene bottle!
I was incredibly thrilled to find the nalgene. It only cost about a dollar and is the real deal. I have a metal water bottle that I love, but this one is a much more realistic size to carry around in a bag to classes and work. The Jungle Book glass isn't in the best of shape, but I just couldn't pass it up. For .25 I got a little piece of my childhood--we had the FULL set of these collectible Burger King glasses when I was little.
That's all I have from my adventures in thrifting. Turns out the second thrift shop was a bust. It was about 90% baby clothes and REALLY overpriced (it was technically a resale shop, not a thrift shop). I am ever so pleased with what I came home with, though :) Spent less than $20 all day and all of the goodies from Teen Challenge were less than $5! I was pretty excited :D Thanks so much for joining me today! Craft update coming soon with an update on all of my recent projects and that big announcement I've been mentioning should be made sometime this week! Yay!
Keep Smiling,
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