I have a few projects that I have been messing with in my head, trying to figure out which direction I want to go with them. Let me know if you have any ideas!
This is a clock that I picked up at a thrift store when Joshua and I went to visit Jess and Tyler in Kansas City. The clock mechanism works, but the hands aren't screwed on tight enough and they slip loose to always point downward. I'm looking for some way of either fixing the mechanism or replacing it, and I'm looking for ideas on what color to paint the wood :) I'm thinking something bright and weird . . .
These are some pretty little matchbooks I've been collecting. Joshua's roommate smokes a pipe and prefers matches to lighters, so he gives them to me when he's emptied them. I have 5 or 6 right now, but will probably continue to collect more. I thought the illustration was really pretty, and I love any sort of box, but I need ideas of what to use them for or make with them.
my snood came in! I love it :) And Joshua is a pretty big fan, too. The only goodies I'm still waiting for are my nailpolish and messanger bag. The bag actually came in last week, but was accidentally shipped to my parents house instead of to me. DOH! I'll have to pick it up next time I go to visit *sigh* whenever that is . . .
Thanks for joining me, today! I can't wait to hear what ideas you all come up with for this stuff.
Keep Smiling,
You could use those match boxes to make something like this to hold earrings or something.
Although then you would hide part of the cute design. Also I don't know how this would quite work but you could use them to make a picture frame. I dunno...
Love ya,
I'm going to have to back out of your wedding if you're going to go Jewish with your look.
PS I'm not going to mail back my invitation just so you can celebrate by exclaiming "O Joy of Joys, Micah has agreed to be in attendance for the joyous occasion of our nuptials!"
Aren't we Mr. Grumpy pants, Micah.
This is just a thought, but since you already have an awesome clock for your kitchen, why don't you replace/cover the inside and make the hands always point to something cool like "time to (insert something witty/nice here)". The lines of the clock are the best part, so you wouldn't be altering that at all. and as for color...maybe the same turquoise as your wall in the kitchen.
I have no ideas for the matchboxes, though...
Miss you! Hope to see you soooooooonnnnnnn.
I really like that idea for the clock, but the plan is to hang it in the main room of the apartment, or in the bathroom. I was thinking about it earlier this morning, and I bet if I took the back off of it I could re-screw the hands and it might work . . .
If that doesn't do it, though, I'll probably go with your idea and just overhaul it while I have the back off :P
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