This is my equivalent of a "studio". I live in a tiny apartment and have limited storage space, so these shelves on top of my dresser hold all of my sewing material (my art stuff takes up considerably more space and therefore has to be stored in the closet).
These are some Ball Mason jars that I got at Leftovers, a recycling/upcycling store in St. Charles. I had originally planned to use them as candle holders and put doilies on the outside to make cool shadows. When I got them home, I changed my mind and decided to use them to hold my buttons and lace. I'm open for ideas for a third, smaller jar that I acquired when I recently finished off some jelly :)
These are some goodies that my wonderful mother got for me when my family came to visit a couple of weeks ago.
I've wanted to have a red kitchen since I was little, and recently Joshua and I decided to paint one of our kitchen walls turquoise. I saw this table cloth in an antique store that my family and I were browsing and my mom decided to get it for me :) She also surprised me with this rolling pin! She was pretty excited about it because the handles are loose from the pin, so it rolls more easily. Apparently it's hard to find a newly manufactured pin that has that feature ;)
And, here's what I did today :
I used the pattern that I bought yesterday to make this adorable little jewelry roll.
The pattern called for regular zippers, but I used invisible zippers because I think they look nicer. It also suggested a snap closure to hold the ring holder to the top, but I opted to use a loop of ribbon and a button (mostly because I forgot to buy a snap at the fabric store while I was out and I didn't want to go out again). The little embroidery on the front was also an addition of mine. I thought it would spruce it up a little since I used plain, unbleached canvas for the outer fabric instead of a patterned material.
It's a little rough because it was my first try, but I'm pretty happy with myself :) All in all, it took me about 3 hours (including one little seam-ripper-requiring setback :P).
My second project was this zipper pouch:
It's for one of the new mics that Joshua just bought for the band. The other two that we got came with zipper pouches for transport, but one just came in bubble wrap, so I told him that I would make a case for it. Nothing too terribly attractive, but it'll do the job :)
The rest of my evening (which should last until about 8 or 9 o'clock when Joshua gets off work) is probably going to consist of addressing wedding invites, maybe making a cover for my camera strap, and possibly even cutting the fabric for some pajama pants that I told Joshua I would make for him for Christmas (don't worry, they weren't his only present).
That's all for now :) Next blog will be an update on whatever else I make tonight, and "What's in my Bag" (I think those are so fun). If I can get the boys together, maybe I'll even have some Berlin Airlift promo pictures to share with you all :D
Thanks for joining me.
Keep Smiling,
This isn't so much a decorative idea for using your jar, but I think its a neat idea anyways and wanted to share. What about making a Meditation jar - print out your favorite quotes, thoughts, or scripture verses and cut them in strips. Keep them in the jar and remove one a day to contemplate. You can use this for affirmations, journal prompts, or anything similar.
That's a really cool idea. It would be neat to get prompts from your friends and put their names on the slip of paper with their idea. That way you could meditate on the idea and pray for the person at the same time :) I may just do that . . .
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