on Tuesday, February 28, 2012
I have had this blog for a while now, using it for a few purposes, but mostly as a way to put my infinite words of wisdom at the fingertips of the world, and to show stuff I bought at the thrift store.  Well, with time comes change, and with change comes a lack of trips to the thrift store.  I'm transitioning this blog to be more word based, rather than picture based (although, don't fret, a blog just isn't a blog without the occasional picture of cats doing cute things).  The plan is this: to have a forum upon which I can spill my ideas as the come or are presented to me throughout my seminary education.  As probably all of you know, I am ending my first year at Central Baptist Theological Seminary as a member of the third cohort in their CREATE program, an experimental program that gets creative with seminary education.  Sound spicy? It is.  This is my first post on this new format.  I have several ideas I want to share and have conversation about, but they are not yet fully formed.  Therefore, until they are, this is what you get.  Maybe while I'm forming I will share some photos and experiences from my cohort's recent pilgrimmage to Thailand and Myanmar (Burma). 
In short, I'm hoping that this will be a place where I can post things that I am coming to believe, or trying to decide whether or not I believe.  I'm hoping that the readers (however few and far between they may be) will also feel welcome to comment on the posts and generate a discussion, aiding me in my thought processing.  I may post papers that I write, conversations that I have, or random ramblings like this.  Who knows.  All I know is that over the last year I have experienced so many wonderful things, had endless inspiring and challenging conversations, and dealt with a lot of topics within my faith community (both in and out of school) and I would love to expand that forum to include those I love who are far away, or even interested, respectful strangers.  Here's to conversation and discernment, may all involved have plenty of both.