on Thursday, September 30, 2010


All are $12 and are lined with white cotton.  Other patterns/color combinations are available upon request.  
Inner pocket for business cards can be attached to the inside of the checkbook for an additional $3.  The Checkbook Cover I made for myself has this feature and I, personally, find it AWESOME.  Please contact adorkablecrafts@gmail.com with orders :)

xoxo Alyssa

Just thought I would let you  know.

New product photos coming later tonight!  Todays images: Checkbook Covers :)  It's almost Christmas time and Adorkable Crafts make wonderful gifts ;)  Just sayin' . . . Be there or be square.

xoxo Alyssa
on Monday, September 20, 2010
Update on the Adorkable page :)  (Like button located in the sidebar)

"Make Up and Go" $10

"Contrastastic" $8

"Picadilly"  $7
Sweet Classy Molassy $8
"Itty Bitty Penny Pincher" $5

Send orders to adorkablecrafts@gmail.com :) 
The quilt is *almost* done.  Pictures coming soon!

xoxo Alyssa
on Friday, September 17, 2010
We went initially to find a book for Joshua to use as a source for a big paper he has to write for his seminary class.  We found one!

This book looks pretty awesome . . . 

Of course, I couldn't let him have all of the fun, so I looked around, and found this.

Oh. Em. Gee.  Joshua has already started reading it and it looks amazing.

Lastly, I found this little treasure.

A lot of it doesn't *quite* apply to my current situation, but it will very, very soon :)

Read anything good lately?

xoxo Alyssa
on Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sorry, it's been over a week.  Who knows where the time went . . . 


I have a new haircut!  I don't have any pictures yet, because I haven't managed to take a good one, but I will put up a before/after shot after I can get Joshua to take a decent "after".

New bag design for Adorkable via request from my friend Laura for a bag small enough to fit on her keys, but big enough to hold an ID and cash/other cards.

It is available for $8 in many different fabrics and colors :)

In addition, may I direct your attention to my killer nailpolish in the above photograph.  It is the newest addition to my collection and I think I'm in love.

It's called "What's with the Cattitude" and it's from the Shrek Collection by OPI.

I'm in love with this entire collection.  Here are the other two that I have my eye on:

Fiercly Fiona

Who the Shrek are You?

They're gorgeous.  I know.  I want them all.

Lastly, here is my most recent project.

Full sized quilt out of vintage bed sheets = 198 triangles = 99 squares = OMG THIS IS TAKING FOREVER.  Definitely showing pictures when it's done, though.

I've also got a few projects in the works for my awesome soon-to-be-sister-in-law for her wedding :)  I'm hoping to make some pretty serious progress on those this weekend while the Mister is in KC.  Pictures coming soon (hopefully). 

Thanks for reading!  What you have all been up to lately?

xoxo Alyssa

on Friday, September 10, 2010

Here's some new fun!

A long, long time ago, 1996 to be precise, I was playing with Barbie's in my friend Jade's basement.  My stomach started to hurt, she tried to feed me Doritos in efforts to keep me to stay, trying to convince me that I was just hungry.  Turns out my appendix was rupturing, but it all turned out OK.  One hospital stay and two weeks later I was back on my feet, playing Barbies and eating Doritos, with my friend Jade.

Now, this is what Jade is up to.

This lovely little treasure came from a wonderful company called aeolist design, which Jade now runs and owns with her boyfriend, Bob.  They make beautiful bags, big and small, out of ALL SORTS of materials.  I suppose I can forgive her accidental attempt on my life if she'll make me a lovely bag such as this :)  I'm completely in love with it and I'm SUCH a sucker for the fact that it has Ohio on the front :D  The above link is to their official website, but you can also check out their etsy shop here.  I would encourage you to do so.  Very. Much.

Another new addition to the world of Alyssa is this little nugget:

I am now offering Alteration Services through Adorkable!  Pricing and contact information are available on the facebook page.  Any services not listed may still be available upon request, so please don't hesitate to ask :)  

The above pictures are from my first job, for a lovely lady named Kylie.  She's the maid of honor in her sister's wedding, and also happens to be a very tiny person.  Thus, her dress needed to be taken up.  Unfortunately, I do not have a before picture, but you can check the facebook page for her review and check out the above pictures to see rate quality :)

Thanks for reading!  Tomorrow . . . pictures of the new haircut!

xoxo Alyssa

on Thursday, September 9, 2010
I've gotten into Dexter.  I decided that with Joshua going out of town so much, I needed a new series that I could watch that he wouldn't be upset that I watched without him ;)  We recently finished watching M*A*S*H and boy—it was fantastic.  If you haven't seen it, WATCH IT NOW.  But DO NOT just watch the finale and nothing else, the magic of the finale comes from falling in love with the characters over the course of 11 seasons.  Which I did.

ANYWAY.  Back to Dexter.  So far, it's pretty good.  I'm a few episodes from the end of the first season and I'm definitely enjoying it.  

Found this the other day on roflrazzi (one of my *many* guilty pleasures) and it made me giggle.
For those who lived in a box in the 90's, that is Dexter of "Dexter's Laboratory".  The cartoon that singlehandedly taught me how to spell laboratory, and how to say "with cheese" in french.

In conclusion, I recommend Dexter.  There are currently 4 seasons that each have roughly 12 hour long episodes, so hopefully it will keep me sufficiently entertained while Joshua is away at his seminary classes :)

As my gift to you, I would like to share with you another lovely 90's nugget found on roflrazzi earlier this evening.

You're welcome.

What is your favorite memory/show/band/song/anything from the 90's? (as if you can pick just one— pshhh)

xoxo Alyssa
on Tuesday, September 7, 2010
We got so much fun mail over the weekend!

My new sewing machine came in :)  
It has 80 stitches AND it does letters.  woah.

That is the main reason I've had so many new creations to share lately.  Here's the newest!  Joshua's monk hoodie :P
Ain't he cute?

We also got our new pressure cooker!



We haven't gotten to use it just yet, we're still reading up on exactly how the process works, but we can't wait!  For those who don't can, a pressure cooker allows you to can things that are not naturally acidic, without having to soak them in salt or vinegar.

We also got a copy of the Cave Region Review!  Joshua's poem, "Every Summer the Wildfires Came and Took My Parents Away" is published in their newest edition :)  I'm so proud of him!

Joshua also got his new Don Chaffer album/t-shirt in the mail and I got my new sewing machine necklace! (click photos to enlarge) I love fun mail, and this weekend we definitely hit the payload in that department :)

xoxo Alyssa
on Monday, September 6, 2010

New Coffee Cozies!  Only three patterns so far  but more are coming soon :)  Available for purchase at $6 each plus shipping.  Email for purchase! alyssa.bennett.smith(at)gmail(dot)com

Also, if you look to the right, there's a new addition to the blog layout!  Adorkable now has a facebook page!  Hit the like button if you should feel so inclined :)

xoxo Alyssa
on Sunday, September 5, 2010

Calendar Scarf by design3000found on swissmiss.  Gorgeous.  English please?

Print Factory print by Jez Burrows.  Also found on swiss miss :)

Adorable print by iiiinga.

LOVELY wallpaper by Minakani Walls.  Found on Creature Comforts.
I don't normally like wallpaper, but I would put this on my wall any day!

Thanks for reading!  More pictures coming soon of recently completed sewing projects!  Keep smiling :)

xoxo Alyssa