Two weekends ago I was all set to go to my cousin Anna's wedding. Shortly after leaving home I realized that I had not delivered the Sunday School curriculum to the church for my fill-in-teacher. On my way to the church I glanced down to hang up my phone after finishing a call, and the van in front of me braked to turn left into a driveway.
Needless to say, I did not drive to the wedding. Fortunately, a good friend of my husband's had the brilliant idea to take a train to Chicago f, and that ended up working out just fine. I was able to watch my cousin marry her long time boyfriend, Marty.
Aren't they the cutest?! She's gorgeous :)
It was a lovely wedding. I was so pleased to be there to witness such a happy day in my cousin's life. Love you, Anna!
We got to see a lot of family that we don't see very often, too. It was great to see my aunt, uncle, and cousins that live in Pennsylvania and hadn't gotten to visit in over 5 years! That particular uncle also happens to be my dad's twin brother.
My dad is the good lookin' one on the left :)
They definitely bring out the best in each other . . . ;)
We are still in the process of dealing with the insurance company about the car, but it's looking like it's probably totaled and we will have to begin a search for a new one. No one was hurt, thank goodness, but there is still a lot of paperwork and red tape to deal with. Fortunately, I found out today that the insurance company valued my totaled car at FOUR TIMES what the Kelly Blue Book value was, therefore, we will be receiving a much larger check from them than expected—making our car search much more pleasant :)
We're going to go browsing tomorrow in anticipation of the check coming in next week. I can't wait!
Thanks for reading :) Hope you're weekend was slightly less eventful than that one (in a good way ;)
xoxo Alyssa