on Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I know right? I watch such high quality television.  I just. can't. stop.
on Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Last night I went with Joshua and Matthew to The Pageant in Saint Louis to see these guys

open for these guys

Aren't they the cutest?

I decided last night that Jade and I needed to be great friends.

We got fun concert goodies

and generally had a really great time.

In other news:
I'm getting this today! I can't wait!  The only thing it needs is a rack for the back so I can ride it to class, but that can be easily fixed :) 

Thanks for joining me today!  I'm off to clean up the apartment so I can take some photos to share with you, and to work on a baby gift for a friend that I CANNOT wait to give her :D

Keep smiling :)

on Tuesday, June 8, 2010
It has been quite a long time, and for that I apologize.  Life got cri-zazy these last couple of months with wrapping up the semester and . . . oh yeah . . . that whole wedding thing.  I am going to try and be better about posting this summer, and maybe even do some advertising on other blogs?  I think I'll have to become more dedicated about posting first . . . but that is the ultimate goal :)

I have so, so much to share (wedding photos, Etsy plans, and new apartment apartment pictures!) and I plan on doing that over the next few days/week, but to start out--

A recipe!  Please do not be a tofu hater and therefore ignore this recipe-- it is delicious.  If you do not believe me, come over to my house, next time we make it, and eat some with Joshua and I whilst playing Bananagrams

It. Is. To. Die. For.

Emily's Easy-as-Pie . . . . Pie
All you need for this recipe is--

1 Premade pie crust 
( I suppose you could make your own if you wanted to be fancy, but we make no guarantees that it will work as well.)
2 bags of either Milk Chocolate or Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips 
(Semi-Sweet for an entirely vegan recipe)
1  lb. of SILKEN tofu  
(must. be. silken--firm or extra firm makes "batter" too thick)

Begin by melting your chocolate chips in a double boiler.  If you do not have a double boiler (like us) you can make your own by setting a Pyrex pie plate on top of a regular ol' pot.

After your chocolate is successfully melted (NO LUMPS--completely liquid is best), combine with the tofu in a food processor.  Do this quickly, because the chocolate will begin to harden, and nobody wants that.  

You may also want to wash those dishes (or at least put them in water) relatively quickly, too, as hardened chocolate is rather difficult to remove from food processor pieces. 

Mix together in food processor until tofu lumps completely disappear into chocolately-goodness.  

Pour into pie plate and put in either the fridge, or freezer.  The freezer works best if you are making it in the afternoon and want it to be done in time for dinner.  If you don't have room in the freezer, the fridge will work just as well, it will just take longer.

After about an hour in the freezer (or overnight in the fridge) remove the pie.  You don't want it to freeze completely through or get too thick. 

Devour immediately. 
I dare you to do otherwise.  
It's really good with whipped cream, but equally as good without it.
If you don't like really rich foods, I would recommend Semi-Sweet Chips to the Milk Chocolate.  Both are delicious, but the milk chocolate makes it considerably heavier.

That's all for now!  Thanks for joining me today--hopefully I'll be back a little later this week with some pictures and other funness :)

Keep Smiling, 
Alyssa Smith