on Sunday, January 31, 2010
So, I have this journal with a mustache and monocle, thanks to my good friend Jess, that I bought when I filled my last journal.  


It's a really good size and has sketchbook pages so I can draw it in for fun or use it for classes, as well :)  I've been filling it with thoughts, notes, sketches, and random awesomeness for the last few months, and thought I would share some of my personal favorites with you.  Also, I recently took up writing poetry (you can find my first poem here, along with others, at The Poetry Nook, a poetry workshop project started by my fiance, Joshua.)  Because of this new venture into poetry, my journalistic ramblings have become slightly more entertaining.  I hope you enjoy.


I saw a group of young men walking across campus late at night, all dressed alike in khaki pants and dark blazers.  I like to imagine that they are part of a secret society, designed to overthrow the oppressive and unresponsive administration in Academic Hall, but they were probably just planning a kegger.


I saw a woman today with excessive make-up and a hairstyle whose diameter was twice that of her hips, causing her to look like a hastily painted bobble-head that you might see in a souvenir shop in Chinatown but would never spend the money to buy, because, what would you do with it when you got home except put it on a shelf to collect dust and perhaps draw out a chuckle every once in a while.  Ladies, this is not attractive.


Life is not merely about the avoidance of negativity, but about a pursuit to be proactively positive.


Drinking copious amounts non-diet Pepsi is one of my guilty pleasures.


I could be brilliant, but instead I choose to be bizarre.


Singing the doxology in church has the same effect on me as listening to The Final Countdown.  It is my favorite part of Sunday.

Keep Smiling,
on Saturday, January 30, 2010

Welcome to snuggle bug!   I hope this can be a place where creative ideas are exchanged and learning can take place. Part of my motivation for blogging is to get a sort of accountability in my art, crafting, and music.  I've felt like a lazy artist lately and needed a little boost to get myself back into making things.  I figure if I have even a small audience of friends who are expecting me to share my work with them, I will be more motivated to keep from letting them down. :) 

Please be patient, as I am new to this and am still trying to figure out how everything works (it took hours just to get the banner to be the right size :P).  I have plans to mess with it further and get the point where I am at least proficient at this whole "blogging" thing.

Again, welcome and thank you for your support in my little experiment!

Keep smiling,